Recrout Skills based ATS

Unbiased Hiring at it's best

Utilize the Recrout algorithm to match applicants on job and culture fit. Our objective ATS platform helps make more informed matches and prevents unconscious labor market discrimination, while aiming for the best hires

Let Social Science do the talking

Unleash the full potential of your hiring process with our integrated assessment module. Measure all applicants on 48 work-related competencies, expertly matched to your vacancies and organizational culture.


Empower yourself with scientifically validated methods to make objective and substantiated matches, ensuring that you bring the best talent on board.

Recrout Matching
Recrout Matching

Prevent unconscious discrimination

Congratulations! From now on, you can benefit from science-based, 100% objective matches that leave no room for labor market discrimination.

This means you can count on the best possible candidates for every vacancy, without having to take into account factors such as age, gender, ethnicity or other background characteristics.

This will not only lead to a more efficient and effective recruitment and selection process, but also a more diverse and inclusive work environment for your organization.


So, what are you waiting for? Start making these science-based, objective matches today and contribute to a better job market for all!

Read our content and get Inspired

5x waarom iedere recruiter een careersite nodig heeft 
5x Samen efficiënter samenwerken met het ATS van Recrout
Een Krachtige Samenwerking: TIS Techniek en Recrout
Recrout in 2025: Slimmere werving met data, AI en cognitieve Tests

Try Recrout for FREE


Try Recrout for free

We are convinced that more and more organizations are looking for modern and non-discriminatory tools to improve their recruitment process and maintain their good image.

To do our part in contributing to a fair labor market, we are happy to offer you a no-obligation trial account to see if Recrout is right for your organization, with no hidden terms. Just try it.

Recrout Skills based ATS