The only assessment driven ATS that helps you predict the best hires

For recruiters looking for more than just resumes

Don't let a single talent go to waste anymore!

But above all, an intelligent and
skills based recruitment process!

Recrout Skills based ATS
Recrout Skills based ATS

Become an even better specialist in recruitment!

100% skills based matching intelligence at your fingertips

With our integrated assessment module you can easily evaluate your applicants on 48 work-related competencies and automatically match them to your vacancies.

This allows you to select the right candidates for each vacancy, ensuring an efficient and effective recruitment process.

Recrout Skills based ATS

Easily match on cultural fit

Share your core values with potential hires

Use our intelligent and unbiased recruitment platform to ensure your new employees align with your organization’s culture, contributing to long-term success.


Our algorithms automatically matches your culture profiles with all your applicants, ensuring you make the perfect match.


Most user-friendly ATS

All in 1 solution for your recruitment needs

Designed to meet the specific needs of your organization, Recrout’s ATS 3.0 platform provides a standard work-at-home site to attract the best talent.

Our competency-driven approach ensures you attract and retain the right candidates so you can make the perfect match for your organization.

Recrout Skills based ATS

Read our content and get inspired

5x waarom iedere recruiter een careersite nodig heeft 
5x Samen efficiënter samenwerken met het ATS van Recrout
Een Krachtige Samenwerking: TIS Techniek en Recrout
Recrout in 2025: Slimmere werving met data, AI en cognitieve Tests


Try Recrout for FREE


Try Recrout for free

We are convinced that more and more organizations are looking for modern and non-discriminatory tools to improve their recruitment process and maintain their good image.

To do our part in contributing to a fair labor market, we are happy to offer you a no-obligation trial account to see if Recrout is right for your organization, with no hidden terms. Just try it.

Recrout Skills based ATS